3 DIY Car Dent Repair Procedures To Try In Surrey


3 DIY Car Dent Repair Procedures To Try In Surrey

Car dents repairs Surrey often result from minor collisions. In fact, even a small impact can leave a mark on your car. However, a minor car dent can be a big inconvenience to any driver considering that the repairs need to get some types of dents can be costly and complicated. The good news is that advances in technology have simplified dental removal process.

In the past, car dent removal would involve replacement of a whole new part or repainting to cover the parts affected by the dent. Today, such procedures are no longer considered to be cost-effective or efficient. So, what is currently working? How do you get rid of dents on your car the easy way? Well, if you are in Surrey or any other part of the globe, here are DIY tips you can leverage:

Use of Dry Ice

This is a great way of removing medium sized dents. What you need to do is to put a piece of ice on the area for less than a minute. Remove it and you are likely to see the cavity popping out and leveling with the surface. If it doesn’t, try once more or several times. Don’t forget to use tongs or wear thick gloves and safety glasses because handling cold ice with a bare skin will cause a lot of injuries just like a burn.

Use a hair Dryer to pop the dents back

This method will work effectively if your goal is to fix a bulging spot. Using a hair dryer, apply heat on the affected area. The dryer should be positioned 5-7 inches away. Apply the heat for about two minutes as you check the flexibility of the metal in the affected area. If it appears malleable, spray the area using a can of compressed air. Continue till the dent of budge pops back to its initial shape. Wipe the area with a soft piece of cloth. Like the cold ice method, wear gloves and glasses during the process to ensure your safety.

Using a plunger

This is a good method for getting rid of major dents. Wet the plunger and the affected area to avoid chances of the plunger harming the car or adding an extra layer of suction. Place the plunger on the dent and plunge till the dent pops back to its original place.

There you have it; 3 simple car dent repairs Surrey residents can leverage at any given time. The advantage of these procedures is the fact that all the required tools and ingredients are readily available at home or local stores. Whatever method you decide to use, be cautious enough to avoid damaging the painting work in the process.

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