3 Informational Facts On Bribery

Anti Bribery

3 Informational Facts On Bribery

Bribery is a destructive and problematic issue. The consequences are catastrophic, increase poverty, reducing the quality of life, and eroding public trust. However, with the help of ISO 37001 training, it can help businesses fight bribery and foster an ethical business culture.

Why is Bribery a Crime?

The bribery of a public official is especially severe because officials hold unique positions of power. Depending on their station, an official may have wide-ranging and significant control over significant actions or decisions within the government. It also allows one individual, the briber, to exert control over the government for his or her gain. Historically, states with more corrupt governments have greater crime rates, less effective justice systems, and fewer personal freedoms. An organization needs to fully understand the risks of bribery that it faces so that it can then seek to prevent corruption. Risk assessment needs to be a continual process as risks can change over time.

What Constitutes Bribery?

When an individual offers a bribe to a public official, one or more parties may be charged with bribery depending on the circumstances. For an act of corruption to occur, a transaction does not necessarily have to take place. A briber is considered an offense for merely offering a bribe, even if s/he never intended actually to go through with it. Any official who accepts a bribe or suggests that s/he can use an official position to exert influence in the briber’s favor could also be charged. Even if the briber never actually delivers the goods or services to the official, and even if the official never carries out the desired action for the bribe, both may find themselves charged with bribery.

Criminal Punishment

Specifically, bribery of a public official is a felony of the second degree, the penalties for which may include:

Suspension or removal of the convicted official from office
Monetary fines: Up to $10,000
Community service
Imprisonment: Up to 15 years
Registration as a convicted felon

If convicted, bribery could have a lasting effect on your life. It will be impossible to find a job in the future with such a record. Also, a felony conviction will remain on your criminal record for the remainder of your life.

Today, bribery is a menace and has tainted the human mind, and its effects are evident in businesses. By making use of ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System, it will enable you to protect and preserve the integrity of your business by opening your company to external scrutiny of the effectiveness of your Anti-bribery Management System and processes.

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