3 Point Guide To Address Embossers


3 Point Guide To Address Embossers

What is an address embosser? This handy device allows you to address your mail without a stamp. It’s a quick and easy way to save money on postage, but they can be intimidating to use at first glance. In this 3 point guide we will discuss how to address embossers’ work as well as the different types available for purchase.

-Address Embossers: What are they? Address embossers allow you to address your mail without using a stamp by creating an impression of the address that appears in raised lettering on the envelope or card stock. They come in three main styles – corner side loading, top-loading, and flatbed models with many variations within these types.

-How do address embossers work? The address is transferred using a die plate. This metal piece contains the address in raised lettering and allows for easy replacement when it becomes worn or damaged. An impression roller rotates against this die, transferring the address to your paper by creating pressure between the two surfaces.

-Types of Address Embossers There are three main types of address embosser: corner side loading, top-loading, and flatbed.

-Corner Side Loading Address Embosser: This is the most common type of address embosser with a high initial cost but low value over time since it can only be used to address envelopes or cards that are at least 12mm thick (a standard business envelope).

The machine comes equipped with an inlet tray for up to 500 sheets which you simply place your paper into and start embossing away. You do not have to stop between each item so if you need more than 500 sheets done, all you have to do is stack them on top of one another – they will still feed through without a problem.

Once finished, the address embosser will automatically stop which is a great safety feature that not all address embossers have.

-Desktop Address Embosser: This type of address embossing machine has the same functionality as the corner side loading address but it also comes with an output tray to catch your finished items (up to 500 sheets).

Although this model only weighs 34lbs, it can easily stand on any desk or table without taking up too much space at just 12″ x 17″ x 13″. The inlet tray holds 250 cards/envelopes while the output tray catches more than 100 of them so you don’t need to worry about having extra trays lying around.

Since you are doing address embossing on a flat surface, you won’t have to worry about addressing embossing equipment that is too heavy or bulky.

For more information on the address embosser, check online.

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