There are a lot of luminous necklaces on the market. But, not all luminous necklaces are created equal. In this article, we will discuss 3 points to know before you buy a luminous necklace so that you can make an informed decision and get the best luminous necklace for your needs!
What is luminosity? Luminosity refers to the luminous necklace’s ability to glow. There are three different types of luminosity that you should know about:
- Photoluminescent – this type of luminosity needs to be recharged by light in order for it to glow again. This is usually done by exposing them under a light source or sunlight, but they can also be charged via battery!
Some people find photoluminescent luminous necklaces easier because they don’t have any negative impacts on the environment and require less upkeep than other forms of luminosity do. However, others complain that these luminous necklaces aren’t as bright as advertised and need constant charging in order for their stay lit throughout an entire night out.
You can also check out luminous necklaces that use radioluminescence, which is a form of luminosity that is similar to how fireflies produce light. This type of luminosity doesn’t need constant charging and it will stay lit for up to twenty-four hours!
- Glow stones – like other luminous materials such as scorpions or beetles under ultraviolet radiation, these glow stones actually absorb the rays from black lights (UV), causing them to emit visible color in the darkness.
These can make great accessories because they look amazing when you put off your house lights and turn on the black light instead! Also known as ‘blacklight’ or ‘uv’. However, some people might find this hard to do outside their house since only certain types of luminous necklaces are made for this.
- Luminous Necklace – Producing visible light through chemiluminescence, luminous necklaces produce no heat or ultraviolet radiation and do not require charging because the energy comes from within them rather than an external power source (like normal batteries).
These can make great accessories because they look amazing when you put off your house lights and turn on the black light instead! Also known as ‘blacklight’ or ‘uv’. However, some people might find it hard to buy these luminous necklaces outside their house since only certain types of the luminous necklace are made for this.
Conclusion: Now that we know more about luminosity there’s nothing stopping us from having some fun! luminous necklaces are a great accessory for parties and concerts.