3 Things To Keep In Mind Before Presenting An Idea Globally


3 Things To Keep In Mind Before Presenting An Idea Globally

Many entrepreneurs have a great idea that they want to share with the world. They may think that since their idea is fantastic, it should be able to stand on its own merits and be successful in any market. Unfortunately, this isn’t how things work in the real world. The reality of how ideas are received can vary drastically depending on where you present them.

There are three major points that you should keep in mind before presenting your protected ideas globally: 1) how much does the culture of the country affect how people view your product? 2) how competitive is your industry? 3) what type of protection do you currently have for your intellectual property rights?

One: How much does the culture of the country affect how people view your product?

The first major point to remember is how the culture of a country affects how people will perceive and interact with your protected ideas. Different cultures have different values that they hold dear, which can cause them to react very differently when presented with new or foreign concepts – even if those concepts are “progressive” in nature.

For example, Western countries tend to focus on individualism, meaning that they value personal freedoms over all else. Eastern countries lean more towards collectivism where it’s assumed you’ll prioritize what benefits society as a whole rather than yourself exclusively.

Understanding how to present your protected ideas these cultural differences may affect how others see your idea is important before you make any global presentations about it.

Two: How competitive is your industry?

Another important factor to consider before presenting an idea globally is how competitive your industry is. If you’re in a highly-competitive environment, you may need to tailor your presentation of the protected idea towards how it can benefit one’s business and not just how it benefits the company itself.

For example, even though there are lots of tech companies that have launched their own streaming services in recent years (Netflix, Hulu), Apple still decided to go forward with producing its very own original content because they knew that doing so would help them stand apart from competitors like Netflix or Amazon Prime when pitching deals for distribution rights at festivals/ award shows – were being unique often equates to winning deals.

Three: Are there any differences in how people receive information?

The answer to this is yes. This can be because of how people prefer receiving information, how they process it, and how their cultural background has affected the way that people receive new information?

What are some differences in how different cultures or communities receive/process news?

In third world countries like Nigeria for example, there’s a much higher chance that someone who owns a smartphone will have access to social media platforms such as Facebook & Twitter – which allows them to get breaking news updates from around the world almost instantly rather than having access to more traditional channels of getting information (TV).

We hope this information on how to present your protected ideas globally was helpful.

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