Apartment flats can be both amazing starting homes and lasting home places in the heart of the city. Whatever it is for you, if you are operating on a budget, here are a few beautifully ways to update your flat without breaking the bank.
Make it Personal.
A flat can feel overwhelming to decorate because it is so wide open and vast. It can help to pick a personalized item to build around. Whether that is an antique tea cup collection your grandmother gave you or personalised word art for your mantle, making a flat feel a little less industrial and a little more like home.
Lay out inexpensive throw rugs and other worldly additions.
A colorful throw rug usually costs about 10-20 dollars if you are shopping at bargain stores. The beauty of throw rugs is that you can collect them over the years and overlap them to create a sort of Indian inspired sitting area. Consider floor pillows in place of expensive furniture and beaded curtains in random spaces for a little more ambiance.
Get your storage free.
Local home department stores that sell paint often have empty paint cans that you can get for pennies on the dollar and sometimes free. With the lid removed, drill these cans in a fun formation to your wall space. This will leave the whole paint can open for the storage of hair ties, pencils, crafts supplies and even cooking utensils. When you utilize the space on your walls, you will have learned one of the most important things about living in a flat. You WILL run out of floor spaceā¦ so you have to start thinking vertical especially when your family begins to grow.
Create some privacy.
If you would love to be miles away from flat but cannot afford to move yet, perhaps creating some privacy will help you love it a little longer. In place of Chinese privacy screens which can be expensive, consider installing rods and curtains which can be a fun way to add privacy and color without spending 300 dollars on each wall separation.
As you get ready to renovate your flat, whether you begin with something as small as personalised word art or as big as a throw rug take over, here’s to creating flats that feel more and more like home with each and every addition to where we lay our heads.