Why Call An Employment Law Attorney Weston?


Why Call An Employment Law Attorney Weston?

Just because you are working for someone else and getting paid does not mean you have to suffer workplace injustice silently. There are many laws that protect the rights of employees. If you have suffered any type of discrimination or injustice at the workplace, you are entitled to receive justice. You can file for compensation with the help of an employment law attorney Weston. Employers are required to take care of their employees. There are different types of workplace problems for which employees seek help of lawyers.

Unpaid Wages

It is imperative for the employers to pay their employees proper salary and benefits. The workers must receive a wage that is not less than the minimum wage as stipulated by the government regulations. You should receive salaries and benefits as promised to you in the employment contract. If you were asked to work overtime, you are entitled to receive extra benefits for working more than the required hours. You can file for compensation if you were not paid your wages in full.


Cases of discrimination are widely prevalent in all industries. Employees in all sectors often suffer discrimination due to their race, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation or group affiliation. If you have suffered any such discrimination, you should contact an employment law attorney immediately. It is important to file your case as soon as possible or you will fail to receive the compensation that rightly belongs to you.


Employers often take retaliatory action against their employers for various reasons. In most cases they are wrong in taking such an action. Your employer may have taken a wrong disciplinary action against you. You may have been fired from your job in a retaliatory action. This act of your employer may be illegal. Do not suffer indignity when you are right.

Leave Benefits

Employees must receive medical and family leaves. There is a special Family Medical Leave regulation that requires employers to provide leave benefits to their employees in various situations. For example, a family member of an employee may be suffering from serious illness and needs a few days of support. You may yourself be recovering from surgery and need some time to recover. If your employer did not allow you the leave benefit when you needed it, you should come forward and protect your rights.

You spend a big part of your life working for your company. You strive to deliver your best. The company is successful not only because of its owner but also because of you. Do not let your employer take advantage of your vulnerable position. Stand up for your rights. Take help of an employment law attorney Weston if you have suffered any injustice at your workplace.

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