Calling Football Fans: Have Fun (and Win) With The Spot The Ball Game


Calling Football Fans: Have Fun (and Win) With The Spot The Ball Game

The Spot The Ball Game is a fun way to indulge in your love for football while earning money. Unlike many other sports betting opportunities, the Spot The Ball Game is more about remembering the details of the games already played, than it is about predicting the odds of the games to come. Being that your odds of winning are based on your ability to remember something you have already experienced, Spot The Ball can prove to have higher odds of you winning that ‘predict the odds’ type betting options. Below, we take a closer look at the features of the game and how you can get in on all the action. Here is how this all works.

About Spot The Ball

As stated earlier, Spot The Ball is about football memory. The game uses photographs taken of players in motion during different points of various games. In these photographs, the actual location of the football as it was during the game is hidden. It is replaced by a blurring feature paired with a letter (think multiple choice), as well as other possible locations for the ball is added using the same blurring/letter feature. The person playing Spot The Ball is then expected to select (from all the possible locations presented) the correct location of the football as it existed during that moment of the actual game as represented in the photo still. The user(s) who guess the correct location are winners.

Playing the Spot The Ball Game

As is clear from the description above, playing Spot The Ball is easy. All that is required to get started playing, is joining us here on our website by registering (or signing up) for a user account. While the instructions for playing the game are clear, be sure to read the user policies that are associated with your new account and the ways in which you are allowed to interact with the new features on the site. Additionally, our user policies will have information regarding indemnity, methods and times of payment for winning players, and much more. They are designed to protect you and your winnings and ensure you get what is due to you.

Once you have completed reading the various user policies and the information therein, then go ahead and hit that sign up button to get started with us. You can get started winning right away, and what better way to win some extra money than by remembering your favourite football moments. Get started today!

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