When people hear Childcare Design they think” ah, it’s designing a child a or a system or program to look after a child”
The second art is not too far from the truth as it is designing not a program but an actual childcare building or facility which may include a computer or training system to assist with the running and training od the children in the new facility.
So how do you go about this? Like the most goo and trustworthy childcare centers to start a Childcare Design, the very first thing to do is to get a Childcare Program Manager.
Reasons being, as part of their training, not only can they run a facility but they know the ins and outs of what goes where and what should be there.
They might not be a trained draftsman or an architecture major but they can sit down with you designer or contractor and discuss the whats and wheres as per what is needed to run one of the most successful childcare facilities in the area as well as keep you costs down by avoiding extra unnecessary stuff that will either be a danger or a clutter in your facility.
A few examples where they can help with w=the design are:
- PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: with the TORT system in America so high company’s die every day due to being sued for minor injuries even with children, so having unneeded or unwanted playground equipment can be dangerous financially and physically
- KITCHEN SAFETY: most kitchens at day-cares now accommodate children to help together cook or clean up after themselves, under supervision of course, so t have the proper safety precautions hug must
- PLAYGROUND SAFETY: once again like the playground equipment, where the kid’s play can also be susceptible
too a suing, if they get hurt while playing so rather be done than sorry. - LOCATION: you don’t want to have our facility built where drug addicts or gangsters are roaming nor do you want them to close to nursing or old age homes where noise complaints can close you down
- BATHROOM FACILITIES: There are different laws in different states dictating bathroom to child ratios, most contractors know this but your CPM will make sure you qualify
- SLEEPING ROOM AND CLASSROOM: Your CPM knows exactly how and where classrooms and sleeping rooms should be and look like, from colors to amount of natural to artificial light and even where in the building.
So that would be your next big step in getting the best childcare facility off the ground.