Delivery Of Communication Explained


Delivery Of Communication Explained

Public speaking is more than delivery of Communication. It requires lot of skills, techniques and witty approach to successfully deliver the message to a large group of people. From the onset of a speech upto the ending phrase, the speaker must ensure that his audience is connected to him by the thought process about the words delivered by him. There is a lot of non verbal communication ie. body language and eye contact that justify the truthfulness of message delivered by the speaker. The public must connect themselves with the topic.

Generally the message delivered in most of the speeches is more formal than real, hence it is very difficult to maintain the presentability of topic in such a way that it succeeds in gaining the confidence of audience. Repeated rehearsals, recording and analyzing the speech presentation, gaining control over the flow of words by reading the speech several times before real time presentation can help a successful delivery of Communication.

There are four main ways to deliver a communication:

-Impromptu Speaking: When the speaker is not prepared for the speech and is instantly invited by someone on stage to speak about himself or any particular matter, the message is delivered by impromptu speaking. It requires use of very few, confined words giving exact idea about the topic. The speaker needs to collect his thoughts instantly and get best words to deliver short message long story.

-Extemporaneous Speaking: This speech is presented with the help of small highlighted notes and not long manuscripts. These conversational speeches personify the speaker as much knowledgeable. It keeps the audience engaged with the speaker. The speaker needs a lot preparation before this kind of speech to justify every highlight in the short note in his own words

-Manuscript Speaking: To read or present a speech from written manuscript is called manuscript speaking. It requires better understanding of each word and sentence so that it doesn’t look scrammed. The speaker must not forget to maintain regular eye contact with the audience between pharàgraphs to ensure that the audience is connected to the content of speech. It is mostly used in topics related to explanation of an original rule, policy or standards. Where exact words and sentences are to be used.

-Memorized speaking: The recitation of a written concept and presenting it in front of audience by using memory is called memorized speaking. It is mostly used by artists or actors. The speaker needs to speak every word exactly as memorized without any note. This keeps regular eye contact with the audience and allows free movement of the speaker on the stage.

The body language, dress up, body posture, eye contact, everything should be as per the standards of a good presentation. A good speaker has all the experience to use high or low pitch, stress on some important words or highlights, balanced use of smile. The speech should not actually look like a speech but a conversation with the audience. Any difficult words must be explained additionally to minimize the confusion in audience.

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