Why bother hiring a professional firm offering lie detector services when you can opt for sites offering free lie detector online tests? Well, the latter option can be a smart move if you are just fooling around with your friends and want to experiment with lie detection as a humorous experiment.
However, a free test may not be a smart move if you plan on delegating sensitive business responsibilities to the candidate who passes the test. Why? Well, a free test will never provide any guarantee or assurance about the quality of the service. The website may not be conducting an actual test at all. It may simply be using an algorithm that marks answers as false at random.
Some answers may be identified as false a matter of sheer luck. Now, you will agree that this defeats the very purpose of conducting a test in the first place. Hence, a free service is best used when you just want to have some fun. If you wish for a real test to be conducted, then you will have to use professional service providers.
Secondly, paying for the service will help you demand customizations to the test to make it more accurate. Anybody who tells you that lie detector tests are 100% accurate is lying. This is something that all professional service providers acknowledge. It is possible to beat the test and game the system. In fact, there is no such method or technique that can identify liars accurately at all times.
In such a scenario, you may need to refine your questions and modify your test methodology to make it more accurate. Lie detection cannot be a formulaic affair where asking certain specific questions is enough to discover the lie. It is a process that needs to be worked upon, especially if there are specific behavioral traits that you are trying to identify in the candidate.
Obviously, nobody will be interested in devoting time to customize the test to suit your requirements unless they get paid for their time and effort. A free service provider is unlikely to even entertain requests in this regard. A professional service, on the other hand, will actually stand to gain by fulfilling your requirements.
Finally, there is no guarantee that the free site that you use today will remain online tomorrow as well. A firm with a steady client base can be relied upon for your present and future needs as well. All these points clearly show that paying a fee is a smart option if you seek reliable and accurate lie detection services.