Dreadlock care and maintenance are important if you want your dreadlocks to look neat and well kept throughout the months. For your dreadlocks to have a good chance of maturing into something beautiful, proper care must be taken so that they continue growing uniformly, making them easier to maintain. The following is a list of 10 basic rules regarding the care of your dreads:
1) Never use shampoo on your locks! The shampoo produces too much lather, which causes knots in the hair when it dries. Hence, shampoo should never be used on your dreadlocks, and if you have already been using shampoo, stop immediately. Use liquid soap instead.
2) Do not use conditioner on your Dreadlock care and maintenance. Conditioner coats the hair, and when it dries, it will form a film over the surface of your locks. The film is uncomfortable and interferes with air circulation reducing the ability to release moisture from your scalp, which leads to dry, flaky skin. It also decreases the ability of the dreadlocks to repel water and dirt, which increases the risk of them becoming matted. Most conditioners will also prevent your locks from knotting properly and may even cause them to become lank and stringy.
3) Never tie your dreads down with rubber bands or elastics! Rubber bands and elastics can get caught on things and even cause dreadlocks to rip out. If you use them, your locks will become thin and wispy very quickly. Instead, try tying a scarf or cloth over your locks at night as they relax from the day’s wearing. This is also an excellent way to decrease tangling during sleep if you have frizzy hair.
4) Air dry your dreads after every washing. Drying with a towel will accentuate the tangling process, increasing the matting and knotting of your locks, which in turn makes them more difficult to care for. To speed up drying time, you can use an old cotton T-shirt over the affected area(s) to absorb large amounts of water.
5) Oil your locks regularly. Oiling with jojoba oil, hemp seed oil, or emu oil will help them mature faster and become more manageable as the oil is very light and efficient at penetrating the dreads. In addition, by applying a small amount of vegetable or olive-based cooking oils, you’ll make your locks softer and stronger, as well as help prevent them from fading to an undesirable color.
6) Frequently wash out any sweat, dust, or sand that accumulates in the dreadlocks. Do this by taking a shower after exercising or working outside.