Electronic Signature: Good As Cash


Electronic Signature: Good As Cash

Electronic signature is the new plastic. Remember when credit cards surpassed cash as the major method of payment in department stores and other retail outlets? Many said it couldn’t be done. And yet in time it happened.

Before this, there was money versus gold. And you know who eventually won that competition. In this, the 21st century, everyone with enough foresight is betting on the electronic signature versus good old ink enshrined in contracts, particularly of the job offer kind.

What’s not there just yet? Planet B! That’s right, global warming notwithstanding, virtually everyone believes that migrating to the moon or to Mars is reserved for another lifetime.

But you know what? At least three top companies have already built and tested spacecrafts for leisure space travel’s sake. The plain truth is, the rest of us are just in denial.

It’s only a matter of time before the space race explodes. And why not. One business executive isn’t known for meeting deadlines. But you know what? He has been pressuring his production team to manufacture one new spaceship per week.

Visionaries and geniuses always know what the rest of us don’t. Earth’s population is already a whopping 7.5 billion inhabitants. It’s only a matter of time before we reach the 10 billion headcount.

At that point, do you really believe that the planet’s limited resources can still manage to sustain us all? At the rate that we’re consuming planetary resources like locusts, another planet isn’t a pipe dream. It’s a necessity!

As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. The Internet, the online payment system, and of course, Wi-Fi can all attest to this fact. And now that we are well past the age of photo copiers, notary public, and fax machines, workingmen and women are fast embracing the convenience of the electronic signature in job contracts.

After all, why do you have to see an attorney or visit the corner convenience store just to get an employment agreement signed, sealed, and delivered. Yes, there’s an app for that!

When you’ve paid hundreds of dollars to buy yourself a smart phone, you’ll want to use it for everything. That’s how you get even, right?

Well here’s the deal, there’s a lot of electronic signature applications out there. Many of them are even free. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. The best things in life are still free on the Internet.

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