Have you ever considered how many people in the United States speak with an accent? Whether it’s a subtle twang or a thick Russian brogue, everyone speaks with some type of an accent. And while accents might not seem like a big deal, they can play a large role in your career and personal life!
Having an accent can sometimes be the difference between landing that big promotion or not, and it could even impact how people perceive your fashion sense.
But there are things you can do to minimize this potentially negative perception. One of the best ways to get help with accent reduction is through practicing controlled breathing exercises.
Controlled breathing exercises are most often used for singers to help them project their voices. Still, they can be very beneficial for people who want to reduce their English accent.
To start, close your mouth and breathe in through your nose. Then, feel the air go all the way down into your lungs by pushing out your abdomen as you inhale. This is called diaphragmatic breathing. With this type of breathing, air fills up all spaces in the lungs, which provides easier access to more oxygen molecules.
Once you have taken a breath in through your nose, hold it for 3 seconds before slowly letting the breath out through pursed lips (as if you were whistling). Again, focus on keeping an even flow throughout both inhalation and exhalation.
Now you are ready to increase your speed of breathing. Practice this for about 3 minutes per day until you feel comfortable with diaphragmatic breathing. Soon, it will become second nature!
Another exercise that can be done to help mid-westerners adopt a less nasally accent is tongue twisters; they strengthen the muscles in your mouth, which provides more accuracy when pronouncing certain sounds.
These exercises are designed to get you speaking more clearly by allowing important muscle groups in your mouth and throat to work together with the way they were meant to all. In contrast, you get used to hearing yourself speak with this new way of enunciating words. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but stick with it! You’ll soon find that people are remarking how well you speak English before long.
In conclusion, working on your accent reduction exercises can improve any situation where you need to be heard and understood. Whether your business needs require it or trying to get an A in your pronunciation AP class, having a more fluid accent will help you achieve whatever goal is standing between you and success!