There is just something so beautiful and unique about vintage crockery and furnishing. Vibrant colors, unique designs, and hardy manufacturing were typical in the 60s and 70s and it resulted in lovely designs and collections. Most of these crockery, furniture, and soft furnishings are still available online and they are turning out to be collectible items of incredible value. There are several Homeswares Online stores where even an amateur collector can find authentic beautiful vintage tin, copper, ceramic, and pottery homeware. If you are new to the field, here is what you have to verify in authentic vintage treasures.
Sticks to Websites — There are thousands of online stores that deal with homeware from different periods. We recommend you stick to websites that are reliable and affordable. This is because the amount of vintage homeware can be overwhelming. Websites usually stick to a particular era, design or designer. Take your time browsing as many websites as possible and find a niche area that you like. By doing this, you are more likely to find authentic, well-preserved items that will increase in value.
Hands-On — If possible, find websites that have real-time stores. You can find items you like online and then visit the stores to feel the items before you make a purchase.
Time Period — The term ‘vintage’ means different things for different people. For example, anything over a 100-years-old is called an antique but vintage may refer to anything that is 10-25 years old. If you like a particular period or design, make sure you research them as much as possible. The more you know about the item, the better for you.
Hit Local Thrift Stores — Local online stores are a great place to find authentic vintage items. Make sure you check these stores as frequently as possible. You should know that other collectors frequent these stores as well and you may have to face competitive bidding on almost all attractive products.
Costs — Buying online is fun but you may have to pay hefty delivery charges. As you are buying vintage items, sellers may pack the items extra carefully and you will have to pay for this. However, this works to your advantage as well. You are more likely to get items that are not dinged or damaged during transit.
The good news is that vintage does not have to match anything. You can mix modern designs with vintage homeware to create your own personalized style. And of course, you don’t really have to rely on authenticity. If you like something or if it appeals to your sense of style and color, you can always buy it and appreciate it for its beauty.