The taboo around STDs have long stood in the way of testing and treatment. It has also helped the infection spread around the world, making millions suffer along the way. The development of gonorrhea test kit makes it easier to affected individuals to get help. These can tell them whether or not they are suffering from certain infections. If they get a positive result, then they can proceed to get an appointment with a doctor and obtain a prescription. Most infections are treatable including gonorrhea. Get a gonorrhea test kit for rapid results. Some of these can provide you with answers within 15 minutes.
Swab Samples
The kits contain all of the necessary tools to obtain the samples including cotton swabs, liquid solutions, mixing tube, dropper, and test cassette. Complete instructions are also included. For women, it is necessary to get a cervical swab. For men, the equivalent is a urethral swab. The solutions will be used to find out if there are antibodies that point to the presence of the bacteria that causes gonorrhea. Use the test if you experience symptoms such as frequent urination, persistent sore throat, pus-like discharge, heavier periods, and painful intercourse.
Result Accuracy
Rapid screen tests have high accuracy with some providing results that are correct as much as 96.9% of the time. If you would like an even higher accuracy than this, then you can go to clinics and get laboratory testing to confirm what the kit found. A lot of people don’t want to go to clinics unless they absolutely have to so the availability of test kits can be a lifesaver. Just make sure that you are using a certified kit for greater confidence. You can check for online reviews as well to see what others are saying about these products.
Testing Speed
One of the best things about these kits is that they can provide quick results. This is important for anxious individuals who would like to know what they are dealing with for their peace of mind. Even a confirmation of an infection might be a good thing as they can proceed to treatment right away. Antibiotics can cure gonorrhea, as well as other forms of STD. There are many different types of treatment available for a variety of conditions so there is no need to be scared. It is more important to get tested and get medical assistance right away.