How A Good Digital Video Strategy Helps Your Business Run Smoothly

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How A Good Digital Video Strategy Helps Your Business Run Smoothly

In the modern age, companies need to have some sort of strategy when it comes to how they use video. There is a lot of video generated by our modern lives, between celebrations, vacations, and any sort of get-together. Companies are no different; if anything, they generate a lot more. This is footage that can be used to effect provided there is some sort of strategy for it; it can be used for recruitment, public relations, and a wide variety of other uses. A company with a sound digital video strategy is going to have an edge over a company that does not.

Social Media 101

The most familiar use of video is for social media. Companies are constantly having major events filmed, and some even hire someone for the events. Some companies even have someone in-house whose job is specifically to take video of events and even grab some video during normal operating hours. All of this footage used to be used for in-house functions; it was nice to have around, but no one ever saw it outside of commercials. However, that footage can serve a purpose: Using that footage online on the company’s social media can help to establish that the company is made up of people rather than drones, which helps to sell its products and services.

How It Work

No one likes doing business with a generic company. That is, they prefer to do business with people that they know, or at least have a feeling for. Being able to see the employees acting like regular people, even if it is just at parties, gives potential customers a better feel for the company they plan on doing business with; they have seen the people let down their guard and thus have seen what the person is really like. This makes them more comfortable when it comes to doing business with the company, and therefore they feel good when they do business with the company. That encourages sales.

That footage also helps recruit people as they realize that they will become part of a family and not just another worker. Thus, a good digital video strategy not only encourages better business but also provides a deeper pool of talent when the company is looking to fill positions. Thus, all of that footage that used to do little but collect dust can now serve an actually useful purpose in helping to keep the business running.

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