The world is addicted to the latest technologies. People are always on the lookout for the newest devices. They discard their current phones quickly when they get a chance to purchase a better model. Given this cycle, there are lots of unloved items in perfect condition just waiting to be used by someone who can appreciate them. They even come at a small fraction of the original price to sweeten the deal. The refurbished market is growing and Android buy back programs are thriving. If you wish to sell an old phone for money, then look into online or in-shop offers to find the best deals. Make sure that the buyer provides you with the following:
Instant Quotes
You should be able to know how much your handset is worth right away. With an instant quote, you will figure out whether it’s worth the trouble or not. You can also compare offers between various buyers and go for the highest quote. Remember that the value of most electronic devices decrease rapidly over time. The sooner you are able to sell your handset, the higher you will get for it. Some might not even be interested in the models that came out over 5 years ago. However, they would be very interested if the item is only one or two years old. Don’t let your old phones gather dust in your room. Sell them now.
Free Shipping
If you are dealing with online buyers, then make sure that they cover the shipping costs. This must already be included in the calculations of the price. You should not have to shell out more to cover it. It is an important thing to note when comparing quotes from various sites. Be sure to ask if the figure is inclusive of the shipping or not. You might also want to do some research on how long the entire process takes from the time you initiate the selling to the time the shipment reaches them and all inspections are finished.
Cash Payments
Insist on cash payments if that is what you want. Some websites will only provide you with store credits meaning that the money will eventually come back to them after you buy one of their products. While this might be fine for those who are selling the old to buy a new phone, it might not work out for individuals who truly want money for other purposes. If they are giving our cash payments, then see what platforms they use to send the money to that you can make the proper arrangements for the Android buy back.