How To Become A Firefighter


How To Become A Firefighter

Per the University of Chicago National Opinion Research Center, firefighting is one of the most fulfilling jobs in the U.S. Furthermore, the demand for firefighters in the U.S. is relatively high, with the employment rate expected to grow 6% faster than the average between 2019 and 2029. To give you an idea, more than 330,000 firefighters were employed in 2019 alone, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This means there’s probably a ready market for you if you become a firefighter. To get your career started, here are the three funadamental tips on how to become a firefighter in the U.S.

Meet the Minimum Requirements

To become a firefighter in America, you will need to meet the set minimum requirements, which typically vary from one brigade to another. With this in mind, some of the requirements you may need to meet include:

• Have a valid driver’s license
• Have a high school Diploma
• Be 18 to 35 years of age
• Be physically fit
• Have no criminal background
• Pass a drug test

It is worth noting that minors aged 14 to 17 years can also enroll in the cadet and become a firefighter programs, in which they will learn about firefighting, and occasionally take part in extinguishing fires.

Take Additional Tests

Apart from drug screening and criminal background check, you will have to undergo other tests, including the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) and written tests. Basically, the written tests are administered to evaluate your speed of completion, cognitive skills, and memory accuracy. In particular, the entrance exam paper contains between 100 and 150 questions that test different skills, including, among others, personality, situation judgment, mechanical reasoning, spatial orientation, and reading comprehension.

Get an EMT License

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), about 70% of emergency calls made to the fire department are medical cases. Keeping this in mind, you will probably handle more of medical emergencies in your firefighting career than fires. That’s where the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) license comes in handy. With it, you will have higher chances of getting hired at the interview stage, and also have additional skills that will be useful for your career.


To become a firefighter in the U.S. you must meet the basic requirements, pass the required tests and have an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) license. Once you’re hired as a firefighter, you can then attend the Fire Academy to gain more book and practical knowledge about fighting fires.

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