Do you need to know how to develop a personal brand? Here are a few things that will help you to develop and promote your brand.
Having a personal brand is about being the best at something, so start focusing on being good at one thing.
When most people think of a personal brand, they think of a commercial brand like Nike or Apple with their logo and easily recognized products. How does this apply to individuals? You have just as much opportunity to be seen as an expert in your field by creating your product(s) that communicate with your target market through different channels depending on what you do best. Whether you are an author, designer, videographer, photographer, etc., the possibilities are endless for how to develop a personal brand when you create or curate content that represents yourself. The more focused you are, the easier it will be too.
Make your personal brand memorable by having a clear story of how you got to where you are today and who it is that you do what you do best for. It’s not about bragging on yourself, but rather representing who you are authentically so that when someone takes the time to get to know you, they will become more familiar with your work and remember your name when an opportunity arises. That way, the next time someone needs someone like YOU, they think of YOU first! You can’t build trust without telling your story in some shape or form. People need to feel connected to something real for it all to feel authentic. Also, if done correctly, people will be able to see themselves working alongside you, which makes it much easier for them to decide to support your efforts. That’s how you develop a personal brand that creates opportunity.
Get clear on who you are and what you do best through research, introspection, and practice. As mentioned before, there are endless possibilities on how to develop a personal brand, but the reality is most people don’t take action; they tell everyone they meet why they should invest their time with them instead of actually doing it! This approach never brings results because most people store all this good information in their head where no one can see or use it unless they become your client or convert it into some other form of following/supporting your work first. It’s not about being the first at something but rather the best. All you need to do is commit to being AWESOME at whatever it is that you offer…period! Some of us have a lot more exceptional qualities than others, but we all have something special and unique within ourselves and, when offered in an authentic manner, can create opportunities for ourselves and those around us in ways we couldn’t imagine if we only tried.
One of the most important things you should know about how to develop a personal brand from scratch is through social media. Without one or more social media channels, your efforts will be limited by the people who follow/subscribe to what you’re doing, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. The world has become a very small place, so forget to tell everyone you meet about what it is that you do best and show them via social media instead.