It’s not a smart strategy if you state your sexual desires out of the blues because it can sweep her off-guard—that is not part of the rule of how to start sexting. Instead of going that route, it’s always a good idea to set a casual, genuine sexual tone that will encourage sexting to occur naturally.
Without being too crass, a perfect way to steer the conversation in a sexual direction is a misinterpretation. Interpret what she is saying as though she is trying to seduce you. You are there having an innocent chat; she’s the one being sexually provocative.
When you do this, you introduce into the conversation sexual tension while keeping it fun and playful. This provides you with a justification for building sexual tension to the point that sexting become inevitable.
Misinterpretation is not the only way to create tension (in a sexual way) over text. Sexual innuendo (giving a sexual tone to what she’s saying) is also a fantastic tool for sexting. It is fun and could trigger a great exchange—that is, playful and sexual.
For instance, if the girl ask you to hook up for a drink, you can taunt her playfully about how she’s trying to get you drunk and take advantage of you. Such playfulness goes a long way and initiates a rapport that gives her the freedom to express herself sexually. That opens up the stage for hot sexting.
It could seem a little weird to teach how to sext. People say things like ‘it should happen organically.’ Some even think it should never be taught; it’s an innate gift you have to develop. Whichever side of the divide you belong to, the point here is starting the conversation with your sexting partner on a good note.
The ‘let’s do it’ text is another quick way to bring in sex into your conversation. If she’s messages and say something like ‘Would you be free for a show at 5?’ Your response could be something like, ‘Let’s do it!’ A playful text like this presents you as a sexual being—but not too strong for her to handle.
Learning how to start sexting requires that you build sexual tension playfully (as mentioned earlier). Though flirting is excellent, at some point, you’ll have to go all out to express your sexual desires.
At the set time, you should tell her what’s on your mind—your thoughts and feelings. Well, it may be edgy for most guys, but it’s worth taking the risk. Otherwise, you’ll never see excellent results when it comes to hot sexting.
In taking risks, have it at the back of your mind that it is acceptable to make mistakes. You could utter something now, and it land on the wrong side. When such happens, don’t be too hard on yourself. And remember, the more risk you take, the closer you can initiate hot sexting that sends her over the edge.