Mail Tracking System For Your Center


Mail Tracking System For Your Center

A mail tracking system makes it easy to manage your inbound mails. You can easily look up the names of the recipients. The recipient’s name is matched with the QR code and the person receives the notification through the email immediately. This push notification is sent to the recipient through the program itself. The software comes with the premium support service. Its mobile version is available for download at the app store. The GDPR compliant program protects the data at its secure server.

Why Use This Software?

It is necessary to track your mails so you know the locations of your mails and packages. Whether you have to deliver packages at a campus or store it at your center for delivery to the recipients, a package tracking software is necessary to keep record of all such mails. The program helps you establish mail custody information. If the package cannot be found, you will know at what point it went missing. The person responsible for any mistake can be identified. The mail tracking software tracks packages at each point it changes hands. The required data is logged into the system through the barcode scanning machine. Make your package tracking easier and convenient for everyone.

The Process of Tracking

The mail tracking software will start tracking the package as soon as it arrives at the destination. Just scan the barcode information present on the package label and all data about it will be entered into the system. Now it will be under your custody and you will be responsible for its safekeeping until it is delivered to the recipient. A barcode scanner connected to the PC with this program will collect all information after the barcode of the package is scanned. This information can be entered manually as well. All this data now becomes available through the package tracking app. Send the SMS or email notification to the recipient through this program itself so the person can collect the package.

Final Delivery

When the recipient receives the package, its data is again scanned or fed into the system. The recipient receives the package and signs the document. This information now becomes a part of the mail tracking database. It includes the signature of the recipient as well. The complete package history is now in the cloud and can be accessed by all authorized people who have its tracking number.

You can look up a particular package after it has been received from the courier or post delivery person. The mail tracking system generates all types of reports which are useful in knowing different information related to the incoming mails and packages.

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