Many people are looking for natural ways to fight germs. Natural antibacterial products are becoming more popular, but natural antibacterial options offer many benefits that traditional antiseptics do not have. This article will discuss six natural antibacterial items you can use to reduce the risk of infection and illness in your home or office!
This common household item is actually very natural and safe to use as an antibacterial product. Peel off the skin of a garlic clove, crush it up with some salt, then place it on your toothbrush before brushing to fight bacteria that cause plaque build-up. Try using this natural approach instead of an antiseptic mouthwash for cleaner teeth!
Baking Soda
This common ingredient is natural and versatile enough to be used in several different ways around the home or office. Baking soda can help kill germs because its alkaline properties make it slightly abrasive. This helps remove dirt from surfaces where harmful germs are present while removing any traces of them at the same time! You can brush your teeth with baking soda mixed into water, kill germs on your kitchen counter by sprinkling it or even clean your cutting board.
Found in natural laundry detergent and some natural cleaners, borax can also be used as a natural antibacterial agent against bacteria that cause plaque build-up! Simply create a mouthwash with one cup of water mixed with half a teaspoon of borax to keep teeth healthy without worrying about harmful chemicals entering the body.
Coconut Oil
Pulling Coconut oil is becoming more popular among health food enthusiasts because of its natural ability to kill harmful bacteria at any stage, including when they are still forming inside our mouths! This process is called “oil pulling,” where you swish coconut oil around for 20 minutes then spit it out. The natural antibacterial properties of coconut oil will be able to kill bacteria and pull out any harmful chemicals that may cause damage in the future.
Tea tree
Another natural antibacterial agent is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries as an all-natural remedy for various issues. It can be applied topically or ingested and is great at fighting off infection!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another old wives tale that still rings true today. ACV is a natural antibiotic, anti-fungal, and antiviral agent. It can be taken internally or used externally on things like acne breakouts.
To conclude, natural antibacterial products are natural remedies passed down for centuries. They work well, smell great, and leave you feeling refreshed!