Political awareness is an important trait of citizens. Without having political awareness, you will find yourself helpless in facing problems. Being informed about what is going around and what the national agenda is always beneficial. However, not knowing what is happening at the federal level or what your local representatives are doing is dangerous. Knowing what is going on locally and nationally will help you keep a tab on what is happening around you.
There are many benefits to political awareness. It keeps citizens informed and ready to act if they become aware of anything that could threaten their way of life. It’s important to remember that technology has given us many tools to use in today’s society to protect ourselves and our community. There is no reason why these tools should be limited to police officers and soldiers only. We need our politicians to be more aware of how the world looks at them and keep it from being divided against us.
Politicians themselves are often those who need political awareness the most. Elected officials who care about their districts or cities lack information that could keep them fully informed about ongoing events in their areas of jurisdiction. Elected officials and their constituents are, therefore rightfully cautious about how they vote. They may abstain from voting on certain crucial pieces of legislation, or they might refuse to vote on certain fundamental changes to laws. Political savvy is therefore of paramount importance if they hope to keep governing peacefully and effectively.
Political awareness is one of the best ways to keep the citizens involved in local governance. Elected officials who care about their districts or cities will always need up-to-date statistics regarding crime rates and poverty levels. In doing so, they can ensure that they hear from people who are living in those communities. They can then make decisions that are responsive to the needs of those who elected them based on the real needs of their people. In other words, politicians tend to do better at getting the job done when they’re aware of the complexities of their issues.
Politicians, too, have to be politically savvy to perform their job well. They should do everything they can to ensure that their districts and cities get the investment they need. If a politician ignores these realities, the citizenry is likely to vote them out because they don’t understand the importance of local governance. Politicians who have political awareness tend to know what’s going on in their communities better than those who don’t.