Should You Buy Apricot Kernels For Treating Cancer

Healthy Food

Should You Buy Apricot Kernels For Treating Cancer

When you Buy Apricot kernels you’re purchasing an apricot’s seed – something many people are calling a new “superfood.” This is because they believe that these can help fight cancer and detoxify their body.

Can Apricot Kernels Help Fight Off Cancer?

There are some scientists who are currently considering whether a chemical in these kernels can help eradicate tumors and prevent cancer by stopping cells from reproducing. This chemical is known as amygdalin. In 2012 one lab study discovered that enhancing amygdalin could be a useful way in which to fight kidney cancer.

What is Amygdalin?

Amygdalin is a natural substance that’s found in apricot kernels. Once ingested it can be converted into cyanide. Unfortunately, cyanide can quickly kill a person. This occurs because the cells in your body can no longer use oxygen – something that is especially harmful to your heart and brain since they need a lot of oxygen. Since it’s believed that you’d need to eat 50 – 60 kernels for them to be lethal, it’s only recommended that you eat 6 – 10 per day.

What is Laetrile (a.k.a. Vitamin B-17)?

Another substance that’s found in apricot kernels is laetrile (a.k.a. Vitamin B-17). This is a partially synthetic form of amygdalin that’s been proposed as an alternative cancer treatment. It’s produced via a chemical reaction between amygdalin and water. This is available as a cancer treatment in some clinics throughout Mexico and the United States. However, there isn’t any scientific proof that this works.

What do Health Authorities Say?

In 2018, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reminded people that laetrile can result in the production of cyanide in your body and that there are no case studies or clinical reports to prove that it’ll work as a cancer treatment. This is why the American Institute of Nutrition Vitamins hasn’t approved the use of Vitamin B-17. Furthermore, the NCI also points out that since these kernels are frequently imported from Mexico the safety standards regarding purity and its contents throughout the manufacturing process aren’t the same as they are within the United States.

The Bottom Line

While you can Buy Apricot kernels you won’t be able to find any research to support the claim that these will help fight cancer. In fact, if you eat too many of them the kernel could be converted into cyanide which could be harmful to your body. Clearly, if you’re looking to rid your body of cancer, this isn’t the way to do it.

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