Things To Consider When Mounting TV On A Wall


Things To Consider When Mounting TV On A Wall

Televisions have come a long way from when they were first invented. The past decade has been particularly exciting as the big boxes we have come to know began to shrink to incredible levels. Indeed, some of the models at trade shows are flexible sheets just a few millimeters thin. For the mainstream units, however, they are usually about a few inches in thickness. These are light enough to be mounted on walls instead of being placed atop TV stands. Below are a few things to consider before TV mounting Atlanta:

Screen Weight and Size

When shopping for a mounting bracket, the first thing you need to consider is the size as most of the products will have advertised sizing ranges. If you have a huge 60″ TV then you can’t use something that is only rated for 24″ to 36″. That would be asking for trouble as the metal will probably lack the strength to hold the weight. Of course, we should also consider that TVs are getting thinner and lighter with time. It may be better to check the weight capacity of the brackets as well.

Bracket Compatibility

Note that brackets come in different sizes and mounting options as well. If you look at the back of your TV, then you will notice that it has several holes. These are usually spaced 10cm or 20 cm apart. Sometimes the gaps are even bigger. You need to find a bracket that has holes which fit neatly into these so the screws will go in without any problems. Double check so that you won’t have to return the item.

Wall Capacity

What kind of wall do you have? If you have thin drywall with the framing spaced far apart, then it is unlikely to be able to carry the weight of the TV. You must find where the sturdy frames are and make those your anchor points. Even then, this might only be good up to a certain size. Large TVs may need more reinforcement, depending on the quality of the wall material.

Bracket Movement

Most brackets are fixed since homeowners have definite seating that is unlikely to be moved. For example, they watch from the sofa of their living room and nowhere else. Others might want the ability to swing the TV so they can still watch as they move. This is particularly useful in an open concept house where the kitchen or dining area might be at an odd angle for watching.

Find a TV mounting Atlanta expert for best results.

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