What Is A Cisco Switch?

Computer & IT

What Is A Cisco Switch?

Switches are the basic building blocks of a computer network. They connect multiple other devices such as computers, printers, servers, and wireless access points in a network. Switches can be either managed or unmanaged. An unmanaged switch is designed to work when it is plugged in with no additional configuration required and is usually used to provide basic connectivity where only a small number of communication ports are required. Managed switches provide more features and flexibility and offer greater security. They can be configured to custom-fit a particular network and offer greater control and protection for a network as well as offering a higher service quality for users.

A network hub is used as a central connection point in a local area network (LAN). A hub is limited, however, in the amount of bandwidth, it can provide to users and the more devices that are added to the hub the slower it performs in routing data. Switches were created to avoid this problem by providing another way to connect devices to the network; multiple switches connect different computer systems together before connecting to the hub.

Switches are sometimes confused with routers; in simple terms, a switch enables different devices within a network to communicate while a router enables the communication between different Cisco switch. A router decides where data packets are sent so that the correct network receives them – this is what allows users to access the internet – and manages traffic so that it is transmitted as efficiently as possible.

Routers often have to be connected to network switches to receive data from a LAN and pass it on to the internet. A network switch connects to the router using one of its communication ports and thus extends the number of devices that can be accessed in a LAN to the internet.

Cisco is a leading provider of switches and other network technology. A Cisco switch called the Catalyst is the market leader in this technology with over 80% of data centers choosing them over other providers. Catalyst Cisco switch technology offers twice the throughput of other models at a lower cost and provides wholly integrated security features that are designed to detect and prevent threats automatically. It offers automation features that enable goal-based policies to be applied to all devices on a network automatically ensuring fast, secure network access with a minimum of implementation issues and the latest in innovation.

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