When To Use An STD Test Kit

Medical Services

When To Use An STD Test Kit

There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases that sexually-active individuals can contract. The most common include; syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia, herpes, HPV and hepatitis B. The best way to avoid contracting these illnesses is to abstain from having sexual contact with any person. Using male latex condoms can also help you avoid STI’s. Practicing mutual monogamy is also a great idea, so sexually active partners need to learn how to remain faithful to one partner.

Another great option for avoiding STI’s is to get tested regularly. There are many types of test kits on the market, so you should not have a difficult time finding a suitable test kit. Below are things to take into consideration during the search for an STD test kit:

i) Pricing

You will need to compare the prices quoted by different firms because you are looking for an affordable kit. Since you have a limited budget, you should make a list of the top-rated test kits. From that list, be sure to compare the prices quoted by different vendors for the type of kit you want. The most competitively-priced STD test kit should be given preferential treatment.

ii) Reputation

It is recommended you read reviews and check ratings before making a decision. You will need to go through reviews and ratings before you make a commitment. Be sure to also go through a couple of testimonials as this will tell you everything you need to know about the product. If a product has a poor rating, you should remove it from your list. Similarly, if a product has a high rating and many rave reviews, you should give that product special consideration.

iii) Accuracy Rating

The accuracy rating, specificity and sensitivity of a test kit must be checked. This is because you want to buy the most accurate and most sensitive test kits on the market. After all, you do not want to buy a kit that will either give you a false positive or false negative. Fortunately, most test kits usually have a high accuracy rating, so you can be assured of finding a suitable product.

The shipping fees charged by different vendors must be compared. After all, you are looking for an affordable vendor. Some firms usually charge reasonable shipping fees while others charge exorbitant rates. Therefore, you have to compare shipping fees and turnaround times before you decide to place an order.

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