Why Black Eye Contacts


Why Black Eye Contacts

I always used to ask myself why would anyone in their right mind want to wear, let alone buy Black Eye Contacts.

Can you see through them?

What difference does it make to the way you see the world out there and the way the world sees you.

Is it one of those art or model fazes where its only worn not to look through but to give a certain type of look for a model shoot or for a movie scene?

Then I realized something using my medical knowledge, any device whether cosmetic, correctional or temporary that is emplaced within or onto a body part especially a vital and sensitive body part, cannot and will not be researched to the fullest for the effects, in this case the vision, and because it is for the top paying models and actors using them , their insurance carriers will make medically sure by using medical professionals to make sure that these Black Eye Contacts are safe for use.

An this would include the measurements of the eye and any of the contact lens, corrective or cosmetic, needs to be done as well as the types of materials used in making these types of the contact lens, as any contact lens must be able to let the eye breathe, also the colour used in the contact lens, as will the dye or material used allow for the perfect vision of your normal eyesight through the color used and lastly as a medical device is it sterile and safe to use whether from production stages to packaging to transporting to distribution. Then the actual insertion and removal of the contact lens, the caring for, as well as storage of the contact lens when not in use as well as lastly, what time limits will be allowed for certain types of cosmetic contact lenses.

With all this in mind and reading a lot about how severe American insurance carriers are about their clients health and the heavy tort systems for suing, I realized the are to many benefits not for the health professionals to have the hand in this part of the business, even offering courses to specialist make up artists, for the use and applications of any sort of contact lens on film or movie sets.

With the financial benefits raising the stakes even higher I do not see this future cosmetic application jumping through the roof of special FX.

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