EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, and it is a process in which computer to computer exchange of business documents ( in a standard electronic format) occurs among business partners. EDI Translator is a software that converts business documents to an electronic document. So that a computer can easily understand it and transfer it to another computer. Then the EDI translator of another computer turns it into a business document.
When an EDI Data Software is requisite?
Many businesses want to implement EDI; however, working with this kind of data seems a bit confusing at first. To end this communication level, a translator comes handy since it makes the B2B Transaction process simple and straightforward. Whenever a business is planning to implement EDI data, then it is essential to use an EDI translator.
There are two methods for using this software. The first option is to have an in-house translator to handle EDI Data. Another is to rely on an agency. Every agency has its translating software ready to convert business documents into standard electronic formats. This language conversion is a must. As through it, computers can process data and information on any business documents effectively.
Understand the Translation Process
As you know, B2B companies use different kinds of documents to communicate and do business transactions. Official business documents for communication are email, fax, postal mail, while standard materials used between businesses during trading transactions are purchase orders, invoices and advance ship notices, inventory documents, etc.
As human beings write these documents, they can’t be processed adequately by computer. For making those documents easy-to-read for computers, a translator is a must. The role of the translator is to convert a business format document into a standard electronic document that a computer will understand.
Let’s suppose there is a business A that wants to send a fax document to business B. Both companies must have translation software installed on their computers. This fax document is uploaded in the software folder from where it translates into computer language and then get transferred from business A’s computer to Business B’s computer. Now the software will convert this computer format file into a human-understandable style or standard business format. Through this process, communication becomes quick and easy between business A and B.
Benefits of Using this Software
With the help of an Electronic Data Interchange Translator, the business operation becomes smoother and faster. Manual EDI Translation is possible, but the whole process takes so much time and effort. When a business is large, a translation can take more time and cost more money. So, when a company is interpreting EDI data through software, then it is a cost-effective and efficient procedure.