Orthodontist Versus Dentist: Specialized Treatment That Can Only Be Fixed With Orthodontists


Orthodontist Versus Dentist: Specialized Treatment That Can Only Be Fixed With Orthodontists

A number of Brisbane North residents visit dentists at least every six months for dental check up and teeth cleaning. The visits are integral part of maintaining great oral health. However, it is important to point out that there are certain dental issues that dentists are not trained to handle, and may need the input of an orthodontist. The following is a quick overview of some of these specialized issues:

1. Underbite

By definition, underbite refers to a situation when your upper teeth fit behind your lower teeth, which can cause extreme wear and tear on your teeth. The problem can only be fixed by orthodontist, and involve the use of braces or dental facemasks, which are used to bring the upper teeth forward so that they fit appropriately and comfortably over the lower teeth.

2. Overbite

This is another problem that can only be fixed by a general or family orthodontist in Brisbane North. It can result into a wide range of problems. An overbite is when your front teeth project or jut over your lower teeth. Your upper front teeth can also cover your lower teeth excessively, a situation that is commonly referred to as a deep overbite.

3. Openbite

This is when there is no overlapping when your front teeth are closed. It occurs mostly in children who tend to push their teeth open using use their tongues. Orthodontists use what’s commonly referred to as the “crib” to prevent the tongue from pushing the teeth outward and to retrain the tongue.

4. Additional issues

Some dentists in Brisbane North provide dental bridges for patients with congenitally missing teeth. However, there are times when the teeth may need to be moved into the right position so that the bridges are put in the right place. In such cases, orthodontist takes over; they provide braces that are used to move and space the teeth properly allowing the bridges to be put in the place. Lip bumper treatment (used to correct teeth spacing) and jaw pain treatment are other services that can only be performed by orthodontist because they receive additional training on how to move the jaw into the right alignment. Again, where surgery is needed, the service of a dentist may be limited.

Generally, orthodontists have received specialized training, which allow them to provide certain services that a regular dentist cannot. Realignment of teeth and jaws, for instance, cannot be fixed by a regular dentist, and may need the services of an orthodontist. Typical services that can be provided by a dentist include filling cavities, teeth cleanings, dental checkups, creating denture models, and gum care among others. Mouth guards Brisbane North services are also often done by dentists.

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