An Easy Way To Control Head Lice


An Easy Way To Control Head Lice

Besides being embarrassing, uncomfortable, and downright difficult to remove, head lice are one of the toughest parasites to deal with. When seeking head lice control, you quickly learn that they are resistant to normal shampoos and can survive for long periods, even when submerged in water, or away from the host. And just when you think you’ve beaten them, the eggs that have been dormant, come to life, forcing you to re-live that nightmare once again. There are ways to have a head lice control.

Dealing With Head Lice

Lice have short but productive lifespans. They live anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks, and in that time can lay between 50 and 150 eggs. These eggs hatch quickly and allow the infestation to spread at rapid speed. An adult louse greatly relies on the host to live.

They spread by crawling, but they do not move easily from host to host, except by secondary infestation, like shared hair accessories, hair combs, brushes, and towels. Nits are attached to the hair by a natural adhesive, making it difficult to get rid of them. They become noticeable once they have invaded a host, mostly due to the irritation and scratching caused by the infestation. It may take days or weeks before a lice infestation becomes apparent.

How To Remove A Louse?

The first thing to realize when dealing with a head lice infestation is that it is not an instant process. Due to the life cycle of head lice, as explained in an earlier chapter, it can take two weeks to completely eradicate this infestation.

While an initial treatment may remove most of the lice and eggs, if only one louse or egg is left in the scalp, the infestation can recur and the removal process has to be started again.

The first step is to use a special comb to remove as many of the lice and eggs as possible. These combs are made from metal and plastic, and while both work, metal combs are generally more effective because they are stronger and less likely to bend.

Thoroughly combing out lice and nits is a time-consuming process, and could take hours. The process will be made easier by the application of a lubricant, such as a hair conditioner or a natural alternative before combing. Take small sections of hair and starting at the scalp, draw the comb through the hair all the way to the end. You should see lice or nits on the comb when removed from the hair. Continuously dip the comb in a bowl of water and make sure it is completely free of lice before moving on to the next section of hair.

You should repeat the combing process daily until no lice or nits are found. Once lice have been eradicated from the hair, you can continue this combing process as a preventative measure until you’re sure no re-infestation has occurred.

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