Common Sleep Apnea Symptoms


Common Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by frequent pauses in breathing. People are often unaware that they are suffering from it, but their house companions may discover the problem by noting the symptoms. The causes include a narrowing airway and a neural disconnect with the breathing muscles. Not only does this reduce sleep quality, but it can also trigger serious health issues. Below is a list of commonly observed sleep apnea symptoms:

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

It is normal to feel sleepy during the day sometimes. However, it usually only happens because you had a late night out or overnight study. Things go back to the way they were in a few days. If you notice excessive daytime sleepiness for an extended period, you might want to consult a doctor. It may be a sign of sleep apnea or another health disorder.

Loud Snoring

Loud snoring is another classic sign of trouble in your airways. Unfortunately, you are unconscious where this happens, so you may be unaware that you are exhibiting this symptom. Ask roommates or housemates whether they notice this behavior when you sleep. With sleep apnea, the snores often come with choking sounds that point to breathing difficulties.

Morning Headaches

Observe how you feel right after waking up. Do you get persistent headaches in the morning? Does it happen day after day? How often does it last? Talk to your doctor if you experience this frequently, especially if the headache continues for hours after waking up. Try to drink a glass of water immediately in the morning for relief, along with any prescribed medication.

Restless Sleep

Even when you manage to sleep, you may feel restless during the night. You may wake up unexpectedly several times. It is often difficult to go back into a deep sleep when this happens. Some people might also feel the urge to get up and urinate. Avoid this by drinking your liquids for around 2 hours or more before going to bed. Empty your bladder before sleeping.

Irritability and Inattention

Whatever the cause, lack of sleep tends to trigger irritability and inattention. Frustration may build up over time as you miss your deadlines. The loss of focus may also lead to costly mistakes at work or on the roads. Be careful when driving.


If you suspect that you have sleep apnea symptoms, tell your housemates about the symptoms and solicit their help in observing these. Consult a doctor immediately if you exhibit two or more of them.

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