Importance of Salesforce Development Testing


Importance of Salesforce Development Testing

Salesforce Development Testing is a way of validating the performance of your enterprise application and making it more efficient. It helps in achieving more business success through cutting-edge technology. It tests each line of code written by the developers. These tests are run regularly to ensure that the application works fine on all the Salesforce systems, platforms, and operating systems. To write quality code, the developer must follow specific test methods and patterns.

There are several different methods of automated testing. Some of these include visual test automation, black box testing, gray-box test automation, exhaustive test, and source code analysis. While most developers prefer to use visual test automation, it often proves to be time-consuming and does not always give the expected results. Black box testing is a newer approach and helps in lessening the number of mistakes made during the tests.

Gray-box testing is a process of automated testing where no kind of feedback is provided to the developers. This makes it similar to the traditional form of testing, where testers watch the program for its functionality. While this process sometimes proves to be advantageous, most developers prefer to leave it behind because they cannot find any bugs. Most programs have some kind of unit testing strategy, and they are applied throughout the application life-cycle. This automated testing method can help you in finding out the defects as early as possible.

Salesforce development testing is one of the best approaches to test a program thoroughly. It automates the entire development process, including defect tracking, code validations, and security checks. The code coverage is better than manual testing, and you do not have to rewrite the same test multiple times. The developers can run the same test again, saving a lot of time and effort.

There are many popular development testing tools available in the market. For example, there are integration, patch, and defect tracking solutions as well as custom modules. Most of these tools are supported by a dedicated team of developers who monitor the progress of the test process. If any change is required in any of the scripts, patches, or integration units, then these tools have the automatic capability to fix these problems. They can be integrated with your sales process to easily track the integration and the test results.

Developers can use the test automation tools to generate the code coverage reports and the full report of the test cases. These reports can be used to make the required changes for further improvement of the software suite. If the team finds some software application issues, it can automatically fix these issues before it is deployed on the live environment.

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