Medical Massage In Great Barrington


Medical Massage In Great Barrington

Massages take various exotic names depending on the technique used and their origin: they can be Thai, Korean or Ayurvedic. Physiologically, therapists work on the skin, the muscles and the blood circulation. In any case, the hands of the masseur stimulate our two square meters of skin and the five million receivers that are on the surface.

These receptors are connected to nerves that go directly to the hypothalamus, the gland located in the brain. Thanks to massage, it triggers the production of pleasure hormones, such as oxytocin, and chemical messengers. They bring the feelings of stimulation.

In India, Ayurvedic doctors practiced massage, which is considered therapeutic. In some jurisdiction, law regulates practice of the massages to protect the public.

In theory, Medical Massage in Great Barrington should be practiced by masseurs-physiotherapists only. Thousands of professionals practice this profession after three years of study. Some massages called therapies are reimbursed by health insurance.

In the massage sector, you can find the best and the worst, because it is practiced everywhere, and not always by expert hands. You must therefore opt for qualified medical therapists. Thus, even if, legally, the massage can be done only by a physiotherapist in the spa and other institutes of beauty. You will not necessarily be supported by one of them. If you are a follower of these places, be careful, because a massage can be dangerous if it is badly done.

Do not hesitate to check that you will be taken care of by a masseur-physiotherapist. If you entrust your body to someone else, choose the massage as gentle as possible without any manipulation of the vertebrae. In addition, ensure that you do not have any contraindication.

A massage can actually be harmful if it is badly executed. There are contraindications or skin infections, such as eczema or varicose veins when in the ulcer stage. One should not massage in this place as soon as there is a lesion, whether it is on the skin or at the level of the bone.

Ayurveda is traditional Indian medicine. It includes nutrition, pharmacopoeia, yoga and massage. The massage is the keystone. Ayurvedic massage is a tonic massage that is energizing and involves many changes of pace. It is recommended for tired people. In India, it is practiced daily. Young Indian moms massage their babies every day. There are many variations of this massage. Abhyanga, the basic ayurvedic massage, is the most popular. Traditionally, Ayurvedic massage is practiced with a hot sesame oil.

Phlebitis is also dangerous: a very strong lymphatic massage facilitates the passage of a clot in the blood. The consequence can be serious if this clot blocks an artery or goes into the heart. It can cause pulmonary embolism.

To relieve recurrent tendon or joint pain or to relieve muscular tension, masseurs-physiotherapists practice therapeutic massage. These massages involve a perfect knowledge of anatomy and a technical mastery.

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